
Showing posts from October, 2024

Creating a Myth

  So far, creating the myth has been the most enjoyable part of this class! I truly allowed myself to get creative and have fun with it, which I think is what benefited the overall experience. Having the artistic freedom to make up a myth about whatever I wanted felt intimidating at first, because it had been a while since I had done any type of creative writing and I was worried that I would be hit by writer's block. I originally began with a story on why we rewatch TV shows, and it slowly fizzled into why people have a sweet tooth!? Creating a myth differs from studying a myth, due to the unique element of tapping into your ability to be inspired and original, but I think the two go hand in hand. One has to have the knowledge and comprehension of myths, even if it is only conceptual in order to effectively create their own myths. I think that taking the time to study the fundamental concept of myths will aid people in developing their own myths. Overall, I think that this was a s...